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Project X: Alien Adventures: Pink: Run, Tin Cat

  • ISBN10: 0198492618
  • ISBN13: 9780198492610
  • Author: Tim Little
  • Illustrator: Jonatronix
  • Format: Paperback / softback
  • Published: 05/09/2013
Six fantastic stories featuring the popular Project X characters - Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger - plus a new micro-friend, Nok the alien! Fully decodable, with small steps of phonic progression to ensure early reading success, these books are ideal for independent reading.

Project X: Alien Adventures: Pink: Run, Tin Cat


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In Tin Cat¸ Ant makes a cat using some tin cans and teaches it to do some tricks. How much can Tin Cat learn before he starts to get tired? Cat tries to teach Cog Dog to sit but he won't stay. Will he do as he is told when Nok tells him? Find out in Sit, Cog Dog! Micro-Max and Ant are playing hide and seek in Get Ant! Max looks everywhere, but where is Ant hiding? Mum is hanging up the washing in Peg It Up. Tiger falls in with the washing and has to hide in a shirt pocket. He soon finds himself pegged up on the washing line. Can Max think of a way to get him down? Ant and Tin Cat are walking in the park when they are chased by a cross dog. Can they escape by hiding in a log? Find out in Run, Tin Cat! Max and Ant are exploring the hen pen in Peck, Peck. How will they get away when they are cornered by a big hen? Each book comes with notes on the inside front and back covers for teachers, TAs and parents/carers, which give question prompts and points for discussion, phonic practice words, challenge words, and additional activities that children can do.

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